Frank Memkus American, 1895­1965 Whirligig entitled “America” 1938­42 Wood and metal (with paddle up): 205.1 x 73.7 cm Restricted gift of Marshall Field, Mr. and Mrs. Robet A. Kubicek, Mr. James Raoul Simmons, Mrs. Esther Sparks, Mrs. Frank L. Sulzberger, and The Oak Park­River Forest Associates of the Woman’s Board, 1980.166 A whirligig is a spinning toy. This whirligig is constructed of many propellers and paddles that spin in different directions. In all, it has over 50 moving parts. It is made of red, white, and blue pieces of wood and metal, along with small American flags, and it is topped by a soldier. Where do you see an airplane? Why did the artist name this whirligig America? If you created a whirligig named “America,” what would you put in it?